Number 2 is said to be the most feminine among all the other numbers and hence it is also the most belittled as long as its strength and power is concerned.
2 is a number that is mostly depicted as tactful, gentle, diplomatic, understanding and forgiving. She will always try to stay calm and avoid controversies of all sorts, as much as it is possible for her.
Number 2 Meaning In Numerology – Numerology Number 2
If you take a close look at the way the number 2 is shaped, you’ll find a symbolic link with the resilient force and that of the ultimate survivor.
The shape is as if bent on a knee with her back and head bowed down expressing servitude and humility. This makes it easy for people to miscalculate her as powerless and weak, in contrast to the mighty pride shown by the number 1. 1 is never going to bow down at any cost.
What does number 2 do when attacked?
When the feminine and humble number 2 finds herself to be burdened or attacked under a crushing weight, she can bend as much as it is needed.
Later on, as soon as the weight is let gone, she can again be back to her previous position, thereby making her flexible. If little harm is being done to number 2, she can keep playing her role.
The power and strength of number 2 is lasting and resilient, similar to the shape of 2 which reflects the same in the best possible way. At a glance, you may consider 2 to be powerless but there’s more to it.
Number 2 has got massive power behind the throne. People stand in awe to the decision actions and strength of 1, his cunning and strength depends on the insightful and clever advice of his biggest friend, 2.
Number 2 is the ‘Mata Hari’
The number 2 always remains unnoticed and hence it operates from the shadows. She is said to be ‘Mata Hari’ who outshines other diplomats and spies with her extreme sensuality and grace.
And She has got a minute sense of attention a mild persuasive force. She is witty enough and knows the qualities and features that drive people behind doing several things.
The number 2 is a born psychologist and there isn’t much about human nature that she doesn’t grasp. She has the power to control the result of few events without letting anyone else acknowledge or notice it.
Often it is seen that the credit is taken by another entity when the actual credit should be given to number 2. However, number 2 is never bothered by this as she has enough patience.
Number 2 has an in-born sense of rhythm and music
The number 2 has got an in-born sense of rhythm and music and this makes 2 extremely famous among the social crowd. Number 2 lies in the light-hearted area of art and music and hence shines as a conversationalist and dancer.
Amidst the social arena, the sense of humor of Number 2 is probably its biggest asset. This makes it self-depreciating and witty.
Number 2 as Soul Number or Heart’s Desire
The number 2 is never happy being alone. This number always longs for receiving support love from another person even though the relation is lopsided.
This is why in any commercial relation or personal relation, the 2s always play their role from behind the curtain. They are the ones who set the stage for others where they interact and meet, thereby increasing the dynamics for the whole.
There are times when the tired soul, Number 2 will feel like surrendering as she doesn’t prefer too many waves. In contrast to this nature of Number 2, when they get the support from others, this boosts their capability of creating accord.
If you’re someone whose Soul Number is 2, you should remain powerful and cautious and you’re the one who will always craving for the limelight.
Numerology compatibility of 2
In spite of the shyness related to Number 2, she loves to dance, laugh and love. This number is said to be a tiny goddess who may find the love of her life dancing on the dance floor and some other Prince might sweep her away. She will remain loyal and also requires constant assurance that everything is going to be alright.
Number 2, as a life partner is extremely intuitive and this can sometimes become a point of distraction. She will know true intention and can also make few people nervous.
If you are driven by this number, you should take care. If you feel overlooked, you can utilize this gift as punishment.
The secret meaning of Number 2
The number 2 comes after 1 and both these are self-sufficient and original. Hence, the number 2 derives its meaning in contrary to 1. Number 2, unlike number 1, resonates team-work, partnership and constant co-existence.
If you personify number 1 as the tall, dark, handsome lead of a film, number 2 is definitely the sidekick that has several positive characteristics of his own.
Number 2 – Karma and the Calling of Spirit
If you’re someone who has too many 2s in your charts, then there is a definite diplomatic calling. Well, that doesn’t mean you’ll be sitting right at the UN Security Council but you would definitely require mediating disputes at office and at home. You will have to act as a pacemaker and sometimes as a catalyst so as to help people who are involved.
In terms of Karma, having this number in the path of your life can indicate that you’re not able to cooperate with people in a previous life.
In the present life, you’ll face various situations which you need to handle with patience and diplomacy if you wish to stay away from conflicts.
So, if you are a Number 2 person, you will have to accept the karmic influence of this number on your life. There are unending series of things that may occur in your life and you have to keep embracing them.