You can find seven chakras from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are energy wheels that affect the body and run through the body.
In our body, it serves as an invisible source of energy. Every day the chakras keep us live, active, vibrant and full of energy. You must have heard that there are seven chakras in the back of our body. But what is the meaning of each chakra and how they affect our daily life? If you have the same question then answer is here.
Guide to 7 Chakras and Their Meanings (Chakra Colors)
The 7 chakras particularly follow specific colors like a rainbow. The color includes violet, indigo, blue, red, green, yellow, and orange. The color of chakras changes as the emotion of the body changes.
The colors of chakra indicate the physical and spiritual state of human and current emotion of human being. So due to this, they are vital for the body of a human. The main body of chakra comprises of the organs and nerves so that energy keep flowing in the body.
Most of the time the color of chakras and emotion of human being has a strong connection. They are in the form of a fluid, so if this fluid blocks, the energy can’t flow in the body.
If all of the chakras blocked, it lead to serious illness. Each has a role to play to balance the body. They keep spinning as per the body requirement. So what each color explains and what is their meaning? Below here is the answer.
Root Chakra (Red Color)
It is also known as the Muladhara Chakra. Red is the densest color and found at the coccyx that is at the base of the spine. It defines the relationship between human and earth. It causes a high impact on our passion, survival, and vitality.
All these things include food, money, financial independence and some other basic things. The red signifies danger and attract the highest attention, so it signifies power, courage, love, strength, war, and desire and requires logic, physical strength, and orderliness.
The smelling sense is connected with the root chakra and a gland; Gonads is attached to the Muladhara chakra.
Sacral Chakra (Orange Color)
The Sanskrit word is Swadhisthana chakra. It shows the relationship between the human body and water. In the body’s emotion, the orange impact the creativity, compassion, sexuality, desire, the reproductive system, and few more.
The taste and the Sacral Chakra has a direct connection in the body. It affects reproductive organs, lymphatic system, the bladder, and the pelvic glands in the women body.
The chakra is located at the pubic bone and the color of chakra associated with the happiness, enthusiasm, attraction, and joy. In short, it is a major source of creativity and sexual center.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Color)
It is known as Manipura Chakra and associated with the sunshine and brightness. This chakra is a source of power and relatable to the individual’s real-life success or professional success.
The yellow color is linked to the sun, charge, bright fire, and high energy which are essential to the human body. It brings confidence and brings happiness, energy, and encouragement in life.
There is a connection between yellow chakra and the sight. Adrenal glands organs are also associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. The chakra occupies the area from the breastbone to the center (navel).
Heart Chakra (Green Color)
The Heart Chakra associated with green color and has an element of the air. It affects the relationship with the human being. And hence it is responsible for all type of relationship in human life including love, marriage, and others.
When the heart chakra weakens, it leads to distrust, unfaithfulness, and envy. It is the reason for the ending of long term relationships.
The heart chakra is connected to the touch sense and nature. It is a source of affection and love and connects to the Thymus and lymph glands.
Throat Chakra (Blue Color)
Sanskrit name of this chakra is Vishuddhi Chakra that refers to the voice of truth. It is blue and important in the body as it connected to the communication and hearing ability of the human body.
With this chakra, numerous glands are attached including teeth, jaws, ears, throat, neck vertebrae and other mouth glands. When this chakra is balanced, we can effectively communicate with others. It also improves artistic and spiritual abilities in the body.
Third Eye Chakra (Indigo Color)
Ajna Chakra is Sanskrit name of Third Eye chakra. It lets the human imagination the bigger picture. The indigo gland is conceited to this chakra. When this Chakra is perfectly balanced, then a human can relate with another human effectively, and even the person has charming personalities as well.
It enhances telepathic capabilities and decreases death anxiety. This chakra and thought sense have a direct connection. And it is a major center of intuition in the body.
The Crown Chakra (Violet Color)
The Sahasrara Chakra is the Sanskrit word of Crown Chakra and as per the name suggest is located at the crown of the head. It illuminates the connections of one to another being spiritual. Some of the vital glands that connected to the crown chakra are a nervous system, the brain glands, and the pituitary gland.
With a good balance of this chakra, a person can perform miracles, interpretation of hidden things, perform some unusual activities and know the difference between right and the wrong.
So it is all about the seven chakras, colors and its meaning. Try keep balance between all of them to stay fit physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.